2023's Most Popular Reader Q+As


September 2023

When calling out the grams of protein on the front-of-pack, which protein value (actual or adjusted) is declared in the callout and which is used on the Nutrition Facts label?

The actual protein value, expressed in grams, is always required on the Nutrition Facts label and is also used when calling out the grams of protein elsewhere on the label (for example: “10g of protein per serving”).

The adjusted protein value – calculated using a PDCAAS score based on amino acid content and protein digestibility – is only used to calculate the % Daily Value for protein. This calculation is voluntary unless the product contains a protein claim, in which case it’s required.

As an example, a black bean soup may declare 10g of protein per serving on the Nutrition Facts label with a callout of “10g of protein per serving” on the front-of-package, whereas the adjusted protein amount (5g) is only used to calculate the % Daily Value and not actually printed anywhere on the label.


January 2023

Potassium is now mandatory in Canadian Nutrition Facts tables. Considering teas and coffee contain significant amounts of potassium, does this mean they now require Nutrition Facts tables? Or does Canada utilize enforcement discretion for plain, unsweetened coffees and teas like they do in the U.S.?

Health Canada introduced new labeling measures in December 2016 that include the mandatory declaration of potassium in the Nutrition Facts table. Under the new regulations, products such as coffees and teas are subject to nutrition labeling if the amount of potassium cannot be rounded to 0 mg — that is, if potassium values are 5 mg or greater.


February 2023

I understand that the reference value for protein is 50g. When am I required to take the PDCAAS into consideration when stating the %DV in the Nutrition Facts label? Is the PDCAAS only required when a protein claim is made?

For food products intended for consumers ages 4 and older, including the percent Daily Value (%DV) for protein in the Nutrition Facts label is only required when protein claims are made. When protein %DV is declared, it is always based on a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). This calculation takes into consideration both the amino acid composition and protein digestibility of the product. There are no instances when the reference value alone is used to determine protein %DV.

Note: Foods for infants and toddlers must always declare the %DV for protein. The protein %DV for toddler foods (ages 1 through 3 years) is calculated using the PDCAAS. For products intended for infants (babies up to 12 months), the %DV for protein is based on a different methodology, the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER).